

Take a Look at Our Design Portfolio

Welcome to Marcframe's Portfolio, where creativity, design, and branding converge to create compelling visual stories. Explore our diverse range of projects, each a unique narrative crafted for our clients in the heart of New York City.

Bolo - Creative Agency Website

Elevated Bolo Creative Agency's online presence with a modern, vibrant, and interactive website, showcasing their dynamic portfolio and creative approach.

Archive - Architecture & Construction

Revitalized XYZ Architects' online presence with a modern Architecture & Construction website, showcasing a diverse portfolio of projects and highlighting their expertise in both fields.

Socio - Co-Working Space Service

Transformed Socio Spaces' online presence with a modern Co-Working Space Service website, showcasing available spaces and fostering a sense of community.

Hugo - Personal Portfolio

Elevated Hugo Vicario's online presence with a modern Personal Portfolio Website, showcasing his diverse creative work and unique identity.

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